Gaming News

People Can Fly lays off 30 employees working on an unannounced project

People Can Fly lays off 30 employees working on an unannounced project

New reports indicate that the People Can Fly development team has laid off 30 of its employees who are working on an unannounced project with the temporary name Project Gemini, which is being worked on in cooperation with Square Enix, after Square Enix reduced the budget for the project and reduced its size, and accordingly. Experience life will be shorter and enemy diversity will be reduced.

The team also transferred 20 employees working on this project to another project. The team is currently working on several unannounced projects, and according to the latest updates, it is working on 8 projects, including Project Gemini, which is funded by Square Enix, and there is another project with the temporary name, Project Maverick, which is funded by By Microsoft, which owns the rights to the title it’s based on.

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