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Fing: Keep Your Home Wi-Fi Network Secure [Windows/Mac]

Fing Desktop Box Shot

Your Wi-Fi network is the backbone of your digital life. It’s how you connect to the internet, stream your favourite shows, and stay in touch with loved ones. But when network issues arise, where do you begin to troubleshoot?

That’s where Fing comes in. Fing is an all-in-one network monitoring and troubleshooting suite of tools that can help you identify and fix any network problems you may have.

What is Fing?

This is a free network scanning software available for Windows and Mac computers. With it, you can view all devices connected to your wireless network, check your router security settings, and scan for potential vulnerabilities.

The software displays this information on a simple dashboard so you always know the status of your home Wi-Fi.

Fing Desktop UI

Some key features of Fing include device scanning to identify everything using your Internet connection. It will notify you of any unknown devices so you can ensure only family members’ phones, laptops, etc. are on the network.

Fing also checks your router’s encryption level to highlight if it is using weaker, less secure protocols that could allow hackers easier access.

Download and install Fing Desktop

You can download it from the official website. The installation process is simple.

Just follow the instructions on the screen and accept the terms and conditions.

Create an account and access the dashboard

To use Fing Desktop, simply create an account or log in with Google or Facebook.

This grants you access to a personalized dashboard where you can view notifications and alerts regarding your network, Internet Service Provider, and frequently used features.

You can also customize your settings, preferences, and profile right from the dashboard.

Fing-Shows Devices Connected to your Wi-Fi

Scan Your Network for Vulnerabilities

Fing Desktop scans your network for connected devices and asks you to confirm the ones you know. It also checks your router’s security to make sure it’s protected against attacks by finding weak encryption.

The Vulnerability Check tool helps you find open ports through UPnP and NAT-PMP, which could allow external access and put your network at risk.

Test your network performance and speed

Fing Desktop provides a range of tools to check your network’s performance and speed. You can use ping and traceroute tools to measure network latency and packet loss.

The DNS lookup and benchmark tools help you find the optimal DNS servers. Use the Wi-Fi scanner and DHCP discovery tools to troubleshoot connectivity problems and the speed test tool to gauge upload and download speeds.

Fing Tools

Get alerts and reports on Internet outages

Fing Desktop also helps you stay informed about Internet outages affecting your ISP or local area.

On the dashboard, you’ll find a map displaying outages and a timeline of events. Receive notifications when outages happen or get resolved. Plus, generate reports showing your Internet connection’s uptime, downtime, speed, and quality.


Pairing with Fing App for Mobile Convenience

The Fing Mobile App, compatible with Android and iOS, lets you easily check your network, view connected devices, scan for intruders, conduct security tests, and track your Internet Service Provider’s performance.

With this app, you can access all Fing features from anywhere, offering convenience and peace of mind.

Link for the Mobile App: Android / iOS

Upgrade to Premium for more features

While the free version has some limitations, the Premium edition offers a wealth of additional features for network administrators.

To benefit from automatic network monitoring, security alerts, and router vulnerability fixes, consider upgrading to one of Fing’s paid versions.

They now offer a new “intermediate” plan called Fing Starter, priced at $2.99 per month or $24.96 per year. It’s a reasonable investment for total peace of mind regarding your Wi-Fi security.


Fing Desktop is an all-in-one tool to watch over your Wi-Fi network. It scans for connected devices, checks your router’s safety, tests network speed, and alerts you about internet outages.

Get it for free from the website, create an account, and access your dashboard. Consider a paid plan for extra features and perks.


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