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Avira Password Manager Pro Free 6 Months Subscription

Avira Password Manager Pro - Box Shot

Avira Password Manager Pro is a good password management service that offers a secure and convenient way of knowing passwords. With minimum effort, you can securely create and manage your passwords to protect your online identity.

The Password Manager is available as a browser extension(Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera) for PCs and as an app for both Android and iOS devices.

The application remembers all your passwords and helpfully suggests strong and unique ones. The Avira Security status feature constantly monitors your saved accounts and notifies you immediately when there’s been a security breach.

Get Avira Password Manager Pro Free for 6 Months:

Normally the Pro version subscription of this password manager costs $2.99 per month, but today we are sharing promos that let you get 6 month’s pro subscription for free.

Visit this promo page (German language).

Enter your email address and click the big green button (“Jetz Kostenlos sichern).

You will receive a confirmation email from “”, click the confirmation link (Jetzt Starten).

Next, create a new Avira account by entering a password (or login into your existing Avira account) and clicking the “Weiter” button.

Login to, and you will notice that you have 180 days pro version subscription.

Further, proceed to, create a master password and start installing the password manager extension on your favourite desktop browser and app on your mobile devices.

Avira Password Manager Pro - free 6 months

About Avira Password Manager :

Too many accounts, too few different passwords?

Nowadays, passwords are not easy to create, let alone remember. At least 8 characters, numbers, special characters, lower and upper case letters.

Password Manager generates unique and secure passwords and remembers them for you.

Avira Password Manager remembers all your passwords, so you don’t have to. They’re stored securely in a digital vault and synced across all your devices. Rest assured that no one, apart from you (not even Avira), has access to your passwords. You have the option to assign tags to saved accounts, add credit cards, save notes to passwords, or create stand-alone notes. They are securely stored inside the Avira Password Manager.

Avira Password Manager


  • Remember, only one master password.
  • Automatically logs you into your online accounts.
  • Generates strong, unique passwords and securely stores them.
  • Checks for weak or reused passwords (PRO feature)
  • Checks whether the websites you are registered with are really safe.
  • Warns you immediately if your data has been stolen in a hacking attack.


Links to Download the Avira Password manager:

Windows/ Mac:

Chrome / Firefox / Opera / Edge

For Android devices.

For iOS devices.

Download Now

Click on the image below the arrows and it will download automatically


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