DriverMax software allows you to download the latest driver updates for your computer. No more searching for rare drivers on discs or on the web or inserting one installation CD after the other. Just create a free account, log in, and start downloading the updates that you need.
Overview of DriverMax Pro 11 Features
- Gives details of all drivers, including the version, release date, etc.
- Create a detailed report (TXT / HTM) of the drivers.
- Make a backup copy of all the drivers installed in the specified folder.
- Ability to create an archive with the backups of drivers.
- Import Wizard to install the drivers from the saved copy.
- Ability to check for the presence of the more recent versions of the drivers.
Technical Details and System Requirements
- Supported OS: Windows 7/8/10
- Processor: Pentium IV or above
- Free Hard Disk Space: 20 MB or more
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Thanks to UZ1 release
(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86