Register Page Private Server

Download Free Register Page Corex – For All Version’s Conquer Online P-Server

All old versions of the Corex page
I closed anyone working on the old page, updating the new page is mandatory
Because this is what will appear to you in the link
http:// x.x.x.x / Defalut.aspx?id=Expired_version <——
This is something that needs to be added manually. We go to the Navi Cat, open the base and step on it
Accounts Right click
Vankhtar Desgin Table
And we go down to the bottom and add a new field with the name
varchar(255) type characters
Some important security updates have been added that were not available in previous versions
I hope that the topic I started on this page will not bother people. On the contrary, it is a joy that something is free, but it is developing and improving for people. Download from Mediafire:
Password File :

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