Gaming News

The European Game Developers Association criticizes Apple’s new commissions

The European Game Developers Association criticizes Apple's new commissions

Starting next March, the new digital markets law in the European Union will enter into force. It is the law that will force companies like Apple to allow developers to offer applications and stores separate from its own store, the App Store. We have previously told you about the new commissions that Apple will impose on applications that will be available through other stores. .

The European Game Developers Association commented on these commissions, saying that they are a monopolistic practice for the European developer who is thinking of issuing his applications through another platform, and the Federation expressed the disappointment it felt with these laws, especially Apple’s requirement that any company wishing to issue its own store provide proof of financial credit in the amount of million euros from a highly rated financial organisation, which will raise the barriers for developers wishing to introduce their own stores.

The Union believes that what is happening is another example of the European Union’s failure to enforce its laws and requirements, and Apple’s laws must be investigated and confirmed to be in compliance with the requirements.

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