Gaming News

Disclosure of Square Enix’s numbers for the third quarter of the current fiscal year

Square Enix revealed the results of the third quarter of fiscal year 2024, which were as follows:
  • Net sales: +0.8%
  • Operating income: -15.5
  • Digital entertainment net sales: -2.6%
  • HD gaming segment sales are rising due to FF16, FF Pixel Remasters and Dragon Quest Monsters 3.
  • Sales of the MMO sector are declining compared to last year
  • Smartphone/PC browser gaming segment sales are declining due to poor performance of existing titles that are not compensated by new titles such as FF7 Ever Crisis.
  • Publishing net sales: +9.7%
  • Net sales of the company’s Amusment division +7.9%
  • Net sales for promotion: +4.4%

The company is about to launch Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth at the end of this month, and it is expected to achieve significant sales comparable to the previous version, which has become the biggest-selling game in the company’s history on PlayStation in terms of digital sales.

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