Gaming News

Controversy is raging online about Palworld, its use of artificial intelligence, and its inspiration from Pokemon

Controversy is raging online about Palworld, its use of artificial intelligence, and its inspiration from Pokemon

The adventure game Palworld has achieved a lot of success since its release, selling more than 3 million copies in just 40 hours in the early access version, but this success and great interest also brought a controversial topic, which is accusations that the game has stolen designs from the famous Pokemon games and that the development team Pocketpair is known. Using automatic content generators in his game AI: Art Imposter.

Players see some undoubted similarities that contradict the claims of the team’s CEO, Takuro Mizobe, who said that the character designs were designed by a recent graduate student who worked on most of the game’s designs, and we will see how the development team will deal with these accusations.


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