Gaming News

8% of developers participating in the GDC survey confirm their work on the next Nintendo console!

8% of developers participating in the GDC survey confirm their work on the next Nintendo console!

The GDC report for the current year was published, in which more than 3,000 developers were asked about the projects they are currently working on and what platforms these projects target. What is interesting is that 8% of the survey participants are already working on projects related to the successor to the Nintendo Switch, which we have heard many about. From rumors in the last two years.

32% of respondents said that the successor to the Switch is the most interesting device to them currently, and the personal computer was the most interesting to developers with a rate of 62%, followed by the PlayStation 5 with a rate of 41%.

We are still waiting to obtain official details about the successor to the Switch from Nintendo, and we have heard a huge amount of rumors and expectations from analysts about the release of the device this year.

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