Gaming News

Leaked: Wolverine has two playable characters and a performance mode targeting 60 frames per second

Recent leaks from Insomniac included a file collecting information about Marvel’s new Wolverine project, scheduled for release in 2026. The game will include two playable characters, Wolverine/Logan and Jean Grey. The game will have two technical modes, the first of which is the performance mode, which aims to provide 60 frames per second. , with another technical mode targeting 30 fps.

The file also included a reference to the inevitability of releasing the game on the computer, stating that this step had not been announced or confirmed even for this particular title, and through a box called “Game Classification” it was written that the game would be a realistic game but not excessively violent, and would target something. Between God of War 2018 and The Last of Us in its two parts.

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