Conquer Online

Upgrade the Annivesary Token to Win Abundant Rewards Including the New Title – Conquer Online 2023

Attention, heroes!
The Annivesary Token event will be from May. 16th to Jun. 12th, you can complete tasks to win rewards including Awakening Spirits, Mythsoul Packs and precious Title! Please check out the details below.
You can get a 365-day Title when you unlock the Luxurious Token and reach Level 50.
Duration: May. 16th to Jun. 12th
Click the Token button to enter Super Hero interface. Complete tasks to win points and rewards. The points can be used to exchange for nice rewards in Point Store. You can pay CPs to activate tokens for better rewards, there are Superior Token and Luxurious Token available.
There is also a Honor Rankings, the top 5 heroes will be nicely rewarded.

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