Gaming News

Jason Schreier: Naughty Duke has scaled back the team behind The Last of Us Factions

We do not know what is going on behind the curtain regarding The Last of Us Factions game project from Naughty Duke Studios, which is the collective game on the network in the world of the famous The Last of Us title that was announced last year, and we were supposed to get new information about the project this year before the release Statement from the development team today, which indicated its postponement.

The journalist Jason Schreier, through his sources, indicated that the development team, Naughty Duke, has cleared the number of workers on the project and transferred most of the employees to other projects within the team. The project was recently reconsidered by Sony’s Bungee Studios, which found that it would not be able to maintain the number of players for a while. For a long time, the project was reconsidered and the picture was not clear whether it was continuing to work on it or going to cancel it.

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